Where Did All the Pain Go?
The Reality is, Today's Dentistry is Virtually Painless There's a bright new trend in dental offices these days: More people are making appointments because they want to, not because they have to. What is it ...
The Reality is, Today's Dentistry is Virtually Painless There's a bright new trend in dental offices these days: More people are making appointments because they want to, not because they have to. What is it ...
How important is calcium to us? It' s very important. Here's why. It builds strong bones and teeth; helps the heart to beat, muscles to flex, blood to clot, and nerves to send messages throughout ...
One of the tenets of good dental health is obvious—Brush your teeth after every meal. This can help keep your mouth healthy throughout a long life. Another rule should be just as carefully observed: Do ...
About the only good thing about canker sores is, they're hidden inside the mouth. Beyond that—they're painful, annoying, and bound to erupt at the worst possible time. And common though they are, the medical world ...
Ever think of asking your dentist which musical instrument you should play? Few people do. But especially for young people, an early dental analysis—before selecting a musical instrument—can be important. Surprisingly, some instruments—woodwind or brass—can ...
When it comes to most common, not even winter colds strike as many of us as gum infection (periodontal disease). As many as 75% of adults will be a victim sometime in their lifetime. If ...
If you're one of the millions of caregivers of an elderly patient who perhaps suffers from dementia or Alzheimer's disease, then you probably maintain a checklist of the many daily tasks necessary to care for ...
Kids' teeth—paying special attention to them lays a firm foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth. They're milestones in your child's development, those first teeth. You mark the date in the baby book when the ...
Have you ever looked at swatches of wallpaper or carpeting and tried to imagine how it might look in your living room? Not easy to do. Choosing a denture that fits your face—and looks and ...
Vending machines put out all kinds of stuff. But vending machines at work or school can dispense cavities right along with the candy and soda pop that we love so much in afternoon pick-me-ups. So-called ...