Vending Machines: Cavity Dispensers
Vending machines put out all kinds of stuff. But vending machines at work or school can dispense cavities right along with the candy and soda pop that we love so much in afternoon pick-me-ups. So-called ...
Vending machines put out all kinds of stuff. But vending machines at work or school can dispense cavities right along with the candy and soda pop that we love so much in afternoon pick-me-ups. So-called ...
Just the Facts There's so much conflicting information regarding drinking alcohol blasting at us these days. A glass of red wine is good? Is even drinking at all a good idea? It's a matter of ...
Fear is a learned response, and what can be learned can also be unlearned. We still have a lot to learn about fear, but certain things we do know. Dental fear, for example, is often ...
Lurks in Every Pantry Your sugar bowl sits on the table, and you lift its lid only to sweeten your morning coffee. You deserve a medal for exemplary nutritional behavior! Are you sure? Most folks ...
Sorry to say, it can. In fact, anything involving contact with saliva—a kiss, parents tasting their babies' food, sharing of tableware and toothbrushes—can transmit decay-causing bacteria. Soon after birth, infants start to get those bacteria ...
What are the Effects on Teeth? Dentally speaking, is drinking alcohol a good thing or a bad thing for your teeth and gums? As with everything alcohol-related, there are positives and negatives. On the one ...
Soft Drinks Pack a Hard Punch! Soft drinks are bad for your teeth in more ways than one. There's sugar, and then there's acidity. The sugar provides the necessary food for the harmful bacteria in ...