Dental Crowns Oakland & Pinole, CA
Crowns to help restore your tooth function and appearance.
A crown is a dental restoration that covers, or “caps” a tooth to restore its normal shape and size. By covering the entire biting surface as well as sides of the tooth, a crown binds together the remaining healthy structure, providing strength and stability. For a tooth that has cracks or chips, or a tooth that has extensive damage or large cavities, sometimes a crown is the best solution. By repairing the damage, it can also significantly improve the appearance of your smile!
After the tooth is prepared and any decay removed, the crown fits over the entire visible portion of the tooth and can be used normally for biting and chewing. If you are having a tooth problem, please visit our locations page and give us a call today. We can provide an assessment to determine what treatment is right for you and if you might be a candidate for a dental crown.
Sprig – Pediatric Zirconia Crowns
We are proud to offer EZCrowns at our office!
Unlike alternative crown options, EZCrowns are a white, healthy, esthetic option for your child. White crowns for kids are made from zirconia so they are durable, strong, and do not discolor or chip. They are also biocompatible which means they are healthy for the gums and teeth.
Providing good oral health for your child now gives them a better chance for a lifetime of oral health. Sprig EZCrowns keep the natural-looking smile that all parents wish for their child.